Sunday, June 5, 2011

Brief Inspection

After some cloudy days and showers, yesterday and today are warm and sunny like summer is finally here. I was eager to see how much the bees had progressed since the last time we looked, when there were still only about 3 frames of bees. As soon as I opened the top I saw burr comb, partly filled with honey, and something else? I wasnt sure.

Comb on the tops of the frames
Comb on the inner cover.

I lifted out frame # 1 and # 10 just to see how the edges were looking. Frame #1 had honey storage on the inside, but the track side was empty. #10 still had nothing on it.

I removed the burr Comb to a pie plate and it can easily be seen (despite the blurriness of the pic, sorry) that the queen was laying there. "She must be low on room" I thought, and so put the other deep on top. the old comb in those frames is not very nice, but I thought it would be better than a short honey super.

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